On the Path to Success

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Can't Be Friends...?

What do you do when you want something you cant have? Most will still try just because the thought of it > than the reality of the situation. It will def be an emotional roller coaster but it will be the time of your life. At the same time while u r having a good time how many loops can u take before it gets old and it loses value? In these type of relationships every step u take forward u take 1 back so at the end of the day u finish where u started. BUT it will def be worth it cause with every step u take regardless of the direction u get closer. When a female becomes your lover and bestfriend when you end it your phone doesn't vibrate as much and u feel like you just want to sleep until the next day cuz that day will be bad no matter what. You can't really be friends because you can't turn the switch of love on and off so everything is lost. Like Drake said "time heals all" so eventually getting back on the same page and being there for each other becomes an option...just no time soon? This is when questions are asked and you look at your phone and put it back down cuz u don't know the answer. Tweets start to hold more value but #honestly both knew what they were getting into #kanyeshrug. It will always feel like your one text away from rekindling the whole situation, just save it as a draft and read over it before u press send. So when it comes down to it either follow @yourheart or @yourthoughts. If I was in this situation I would follow @myheart because tomorrow isn't promised and why not love who u want while your here right? So, "Can't be friends...?" is the title cause its the question I wonder if anybody has the answer to?

Hit me on facebook or twitter @dr3amchasing for feedback hypothetical blog fyi

Saturday, July 31, 2010

21st Birthday in Vegas! I "suppose"

Me and Ryan headed to Vegas for our 21st on the day of..(#siced..so what) he was to arrive at 10:30 I was "suppose" to arrive at 11:30. Keyword, suppose to, I end up having problems with my first flight which was "suppose" to connect an hour later. I end up leaving Pittsburgh an hour later so Im not too mad cause the layover was "suppose" to be the same amount of time anyway. Once I land, I hear over the intercom of the entire airport last call for flight to Vegas smh! So of course I wiping crust out my eyes with beats on my head G-Shock on my wrist and a gucci bag on my back too cool to run to the gate right??...Meanwhile my gate is not even in the same letter so I find the nearest trashcan throw away my cool look and start jogging! Im thinking Im straight cause departure time is 9:25 and its only 9:15 and its no way planes are allowed to leave early. (thats what im thinking) Get to the gate at 9:20 ticket in hand and the door is shut! So im blown in my Kevin Hart mode after his mom slapped him in front of his friends PO'd! I say so am I reading my ticket wrong cause I have been on an airplane before and it is 9:20 even airport time and my plane is leaving 5 minutes early, she going say well I'm sorry that is why we tell you to be at the gate early. I respond, okay...I understand that but there was a delay I didnt fly the plane to Memphis late to make myself miss the connection! Next thing you know Im buying $100 dollar airport food stuck in Memphis for 6 hours! If they didn't give me a first class ticket I was def blowing the airport up!

Meanwhile Ryan been in Vegas for like the whole day (he's mixed so you know his itinerary was true to form lol). I get to Vegas just in time though get to the room and Ryan got the Ciroc Red Berry on ice #ftw. We go to the club bent party with this Brazilian and his friends who had the same bday as us it was crazy like a big rave on outside on the roof at Ceasars Palace. Next night we hit the club Surrender at Encore.......no words to describe it we get in the club Ryan looks up and says hold up we outside?? It was oc in there seen Danny Granger, Chauncey Billups, Tyronne Lou, Jason Kidd and Flavor Flav! lol bent out his mind...We hit the bar I get the Coco Loso was feeling like a Superstar lol. I was talking to this German girl she was teaching me some German words I gave up and started talking to her friend Elizabeth from Mexico in Spanish for like 30 minutes (yes i know spanish and was bennnntt). We go back to the bar couple times get patron shots for $17 had to ball y not only 21 once...and I got 1 life 2 live tatted on me so Ima always do me. When that song California Girls came on the club went crazy lol!! most of the females was from Cali that was me n ryans fav song that night #PauseGrandad (Riley Voice). Ryan dapped up J Kidd and Billups too, told them both they was the best pg in the lg LOL. I was "suppose" to be making my money stretch but that was another bar another 80+ on drinks #kanyeshrug. Then I leave the jont twisted check my pockets like where my debit card, Ryan too drunk to go back in there with me smh knowing he told me to leave my debit card in the room but he wants to make me run in circles I "suppose" smh. So of course its still in the room then we walked like 2 miles back to the room the strip is much shorter under the influence.

Next day we run into this dude u see in the movies that got deals and watches in his coat dont ask no questions. I called him brother from the 5th floor on twitter cause that just looked like his title and he came from no where. We got some free admission tickets to the club for that night and so Patron that we started taking shots with him right in the mall for no reason in the middle of the day lol. We sitting in front of a candy store at THEIR tables cutting up. So one of the workers comes out and says u gotta buy some candy or cupcakes to sit at these tables. While she saying that we got salt and limes everywhere and im pouring shots nodding my head lol. So im like how I look licking a cupcake in the middle of this mall im a grown man! (knowing I just turned 21 lol!) She like oh are you not comfortable with your manhood playing around lol Im like umm no actually I just turned 21 and I came here to drink Patron not eat cupcakes #thatisall. It was hilarious she joined the fun for a minute we was all cutting up and brother man got us for like 4 shots but we didnt care cuz we was getn bent. Wholetime we had 4 lokos and ryan almost dropped the Patron! Good thing he dropped the 4 lokos or none of that fun wouldve happened smh.

Dont get me wrong all during this I was losing money in the casinos #blown! Later that day we hit this club and half of the people are deaf but we were twisted yet again had a blast so it didnt even matter. Blowingmoneyfast.com was the #nowplaying during this whole trip for me btw. Broke my glasses one of those nights cant even remember #kanyeshrug couldnt see straight half the trip anyway. The buffet we got was on point so we didnt spend too much money on food cause it was a 24 hour pass, shouldve used it more but it got the job done. The top 25 asians also mustve been in town for our trip cause we saw the tuffest asians walking every which way on the strip. We didnt get a chance to hit sapphire the biggest strip club in Vegas cause the clubs not over til 4 so we couldn't even fade that def hitting that next trip I "suppose". What happens in vegas: Have the time of your life esp if u go on your 21st its nothing better. Stays in vegas: All your money #thatisall

Saturday, January 2, 2010

10 Things I Won't Forget From The Last Decade

1. 9/11
-The greatest tragedy in America and I will never forget I was sitting in my homeroom because they made everybody go back to their homeroom so we could have our stuff ready to leave. Next thing you know you heard everybody getting picked up for early dismissal and there was nobody who could figure out why we were leaving school. R.I.P. to all who were lost.

2. Barack Obama Becoming the First Black President!
-Obama's election created a feeling that being an African American would not deter you from any dream! I won't ever forget I was sitting in my dorm room with my door slightly open so I could run out and celebrate with my RA Marlin Payne.

3. King of Pop Michael Jackson Passing Away..
-Michael Jackson was a pioneer in fashion and creating a storyline in music videos which is still present today. Michael Jackson lived out his entire life in the public eyes and I think that was his undoing. He was the greatest performer to ever step on a stage. One of my most memorable moments was when I played the scarecrow in The Wiz play for my school. I did my best to imitate Michael Jackson's character but there will only be one Michael Jackson.....Rest in Peace.

4. Katrina
-This natural disaster damaged a great city in New Orleans, and took homes and lives away from innocent people. This punishment from mother nature united America once again similar to 9/11. Many people donated money or opened their doors to help the broken city and hearts.

5. Michael Jordan's Final Retirement.
-After arguably* the greatest basketball career ever Michael Jordan made the city of D.C. his home for 2 years. During this time is where I was finally able to see MJ play in person although the color blue did not seem to fit the red bull with wings who we all thought was the first human to fly........But after two previous retirements I could not help but wonder was he really finished?

6. Kobe Bryant's 81 point Game!
-I was watching the game but seeing how the Lakers don't start until 10:30 and I had to wake up for school the next morning i missed the historical 2nd half...smh. All i remember is waking up and checking ESPN like always and seeing Bryant 81 pts scroll by and just thinking it was a mistake and that he just had another 40 point game. Little did I know this dude scored 81 points!!! I was late for school that day cause I couldn't leave before watching the highlights twice cause that is suppose to be impossible! As soon as I came home I watched it on NBAtv in disbelief every minute through.

7. My First Car!
-It was a late christmas present I received in January of 2005. A 2003 Honda Civic Ex the car I actually wanted spoiled I guess(@Mduncan24 and @dakidE32) would say so. I wanted this car mainly because I was into cars at this time seeing Fast and Furious and Honda Civics were the easiest car to personalize.

8. Syracuse vs. UConn 6 Overtimes!
-This was by far the greatest basketball game I ever watched. What made it even better is that I watched the entire game(had lunch dinner and dessert during the game lol). This game showed the will and determination of both teams and also how deep their bench would go. I'll never forget the player Syracuse put into the game in the 6th overtime that was the only player with his hands up and jumping in the Syracuse 2-3 zone. J. Flynn outlasted every player in the game as he poured in 34 pts in 67 minutes.(unheard of)

9. R. Kelly Scandal
-Being a big fan of R&B music and a fan of R.Kelly this was just.....weird? I mean the fact that he wanted to be with a young female when at his celebrity status could have almost any WOMAN was just startling. So I was just like any other male oh okay she must have been bad and not really as young as they saying, BUT this dude decides not only to record his wrongdoings on tape but he decides the bathroom was too far away? that his urine was homemade lemonade? that nobody would see him...on the tape he recorded? But as Riley said on The Boondocks, "I see pee I'm moving she saw pee she stayed".....smh

10. Tiger Woods' Fall from Grace
-Tiger Woods has made it cool to golf by winning every major tournament and endorsing nearly every product we use. He entered the decade on top and was leaving on top until the last month of the decade where he was caught in the middle of multiple scandals of infidelity. He went from the golden child to the mystery man with many secrets. His wife is set to take half his fortune even though I am pretty sure she did about umm nothing to assist Tiger in becoming the first Billionaire athlete. Say it aint so Tiger.....smh x 10